Payments for your request from Chaturbate

Pays for Chaturbate as before for the 2nd payment periods:

  • money earned and converted from 1 to 16 of the month, you will receive up to 22 numbers (usually 18-19)
  • money earned and converted from 16 to 1 day of the month, you will receive up to 7 numbers (usually 3-4).

But there were also pleasant innovations. We are talking about the possibility of Payments for your request from Chaturbate. Not so long ago, there was an affordable daily withdrawal of money from Chaturbate for our models.

What is needed for this? There are 2 conditions:

  • The commission for such a conclusion is no longer $ 1 as with the usual withdrawal of money from chaturbate to a epayments account, but $ 4.95 and a minimum amount of $ 20. That is, you need to convert tokens at least $ 25 so you can request withdrawal of money from Chaturbate when you want. So every day to withdraw is not profitable. The service is more suitable for unforeseen situations, when money is urgently needed, and payment with chaturbate is not yet soon.
  • The service is available only to those cam models who at least once already received the usual payment from the Chaturbate (on schedule).

That’s all. How to draw such a conclusion? Yes Easy! Convert the required number of tokens and should see something like:

Payments for your request from Chaturbate

Payments for your request from Chaturbate

The fact that we circled in red is the available amount for withdrawal or the total amount of converted tokens in this period. To the right of it you enter the amount you need and press the button, located even more right “Submit Request”. That’s all, the request to withdraw money from the Chaturbate is transferred, money will be sent to your ePayments account within 24 hours.

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