How to promote your Chaturbate account in social networks and attach social network buttons to the chaturbate account

It’s not a secret for anyone that the more spectators you have, the more potential earnings, especially if you work in free chat, and not just for private shows. Social networks such as Twitter, Instagram, etc. excellent helpers of the cam model. Thanks to them, your fans stay with you and in addition their number grows.

It’s very simple, you install social network buttons with links to your fake profiles (fake data like name, date of birth, location) but the photos should be real. Members naturally subscribe to these pages and monitor them. You just have to keep these pages, that is, fill out from time to time with new photos like the questionnaire on the chaturbate, so to speak “show activity”, and thanks to the hash tags, you will easily attract new users to the chat from the social. networks.

It is also recommended to write posts about when you go online, and believe me, the audience will be more than usual.

With the creation of fakes in social. networks I think there should be no problems, I’ll show you how to attach the buttons to your fake social network aacounts to the Chaturbate account. For begin, as with the bio and the wish list, we paste and copy the code from here into the “About Me” field.

Edit You only need lines:

<p style=“position:fixed;top:150px;left:0px;”> – This is the layout of your icons, top is the space on the top, left is the left margin. We recommend you try the presented location, and change only if you do not like it.

<a href=“link to your fake social profile”><img src=“link to social network icon”></a> – each such line is one social icon. network with a link, then in the first quotes “” is a link to the profile in the social. network, then the second is a link to the icon of this social network.

You do not need to change anything more in code. Links to social icons. networks tweeter and instagram from our site already in the code that you copied. If you need more, find the icons in Google, the size is desirable from 50×50 pixels to 150×150.

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